Sapporo vs Other Cities
Sapporo vs
Other Cities
All currency amounts are calculated using the following fixed exchange rate.
- $1 = ¥154
- €1 = ¥160
General Information
City GDP
Sapporo (Japan) | $24,568 |
Birmingham (UK) | $34,814 |
Beijing (China) | $27,850 |
Daegu (South Korea) | $19,499 |
- Sapporo - Sapporo City: Sapporo Industrial Development Vision 2023
- Birmingham - Statista: Gross domestic product per capita of Birmingham and West Midlands metropolitan county 2022
- Beijing - Statista: Per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of Beijing, China from 2013 to 2023
- Daegu - Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS): Gross regional product, gross regional income, and personal income per capita by province
Sapporo (Japan) | 1,969,912 |
Paris (France) | 2,206,488 |
Brussels (Belgium) | 2,132,178 |
Latvia | 1,869,732 |
- Sapporo - Sapporo City website: Sapporo City Statistics (2023 Edition) - Population
- Paris - Le Parisien: Paris perd ses habitants, la faute à la démographie et aux… meublés touristiques pour la Ville
- Brussels - Macrotrends: Bruxelles-Brussel, Belgium Metro Area Population 1950-2024
- Latvia - Worldometer: Latvia population
Sapporo (Japan) | 1800 people per km2 |
Rome (Italy) | 2232 people per km2 |
Luxembourg (Luxembourg) | 1800 people per km2 |
Oslo (Norway) | 1684 people per km2 |
Source: Versus.com: Population Density
Sapporo (Japan) | 246th |
San Diego (USA) | 242nd |
Rome (Italy) | 259th |
Helsinki (Finland) | 263rd |
Source: Economic Performance Index Ranking of 300 Largest Metropolitan Areas, Global Metro Monitor 2018
Cost of Doing Business
Average Salary
Per Month
Sapporo (Japan) |
¥324,367$2,106€2,027 |
Milan (Italy) |
¥324,857$2,109€2,030 |
Warsaw (Poland) |
¥293,363$1,905€1,834 |
Beijing (China) |
¥271,156$1,761€1,695 |
- Sapporo - Numbeo.com: Cost of Living in Sapporo
- Milan - Numbeo.com: Cost of Living in Milan
- Warsaw - Numbeo.com: Cost of Living in Warsaw
- Beijing - Numbeo.com: Cost of Living in Beijing
Asking Office Rent
Sapporo |
¥3,823$25€24per sqm |
Tokyo |
¥6,891$45€43per sqm |
Fukuoka |
¥4,697$30€29per sqm |
Osaka |
¥4,284$28€27per sqm |
Source: Sanko Estate Office Rent Data 2024 (Mid-sized buildings and above)
Average Monthly
Sapporo (Japan) |
¥64,750$420€405 |
Shanghai (China) |
¥145,519$945€909 |
Dusseldorf (Germany) |
¥142,186$923€889 |
Seoul (South Korea) |
¥125,449$815€784 |
Source: Numbeo.com: Prices by City of Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre (Rent Per Month)
Quality of Life
& Art Galleries
Sapporo (Japan) | 27 |
Rotterdam (Netherlands) | 36 |
Oslo (Norway) | 34 |
Vilnius (Lithuania) | 30 |
- Sapporo - Sapporo City Website: Art Museums & Museums, Archives, and Memorials
- Rotterdam - Rotterdam Tourist Information Website: Museums
- Oslo - Visit Norway: Museums in Oslo
- Vilnius - Go Vilnius: Museums
Sapporo (Japan) | 2,861 / 5% of land area |
Paris (France) | 10% of land area |
Melbourne (Australia) | 9.3% of land area |
Istanbul (Turkey) | 2.2% of land area |
- Sapporo - Sapporo City Website: 2023 Facts & Figures
- Paris, Melbourne, Istanbul - World Cities Culture Forum: Percentage of public green space: Parks & gardens
Average Annual
Sapporo (Japan) | 4m79cm |
Chamonix (France) | 4m61cm |
Syracuse (NY, USA) | 4m5cm |
Quebec City (Canada) | 3m15cm |
- Sapporo - Sapporo City Official Website
- Chamonix - Onthesnow.com: Chamonix Historical Snowfall
- Syracuse - TSforecast.com: Seasonal Snowfall
- Quebec - Ville de Quebec: Weather
Frequency of
Sapporo | 2.2% |
Tokyo | 47.2% |
Osaka | 30.1% |
Fukuoka | 6.2% |
Source: Government of Japan: Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion, The probability of an earthquake of magnitude 6 or greater occurring within the next 30 years
World University
Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan) | 72nd |
Sheffield University (Sheffield, UK) |
58th |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) |
77th |
Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan) |
95th |
Source: Times Higher Education Impact Ranking: 2024 Top Universities pursuing SDGs
Potential for
Renewable Energy
Number of Wind
Hokkaido | 304 |
Aomori | 253 |
Kagoshima | 157 |
Nagasaki | 78 |
Source: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO): Wind power generation installed in Japan by prefecture (in order of number of wind turbines installed)
Average Wind
Hokkaido | 9.3m/s |
Scotland | 9.8m/s |
Netherlands | 9.4m/s |
Sweden | 8.9m/s |
Source: Global Wind Atlas, Average coastal wind speed