Cost of Doing Business / Human Capital

Cost of Doing

Sapporo City has great human resources and a high level of education, allowing businesses to operate efficiently despite being a large city. With some of the most affordable office rental rates for a major city, Sapporo can offer a wide variety of office space, including BCP-compliant buildings, and buildings that are directly connected to an underground pedestrian walkway. The 520-meter Underground Walkway connects Sapporo Station and Odori Station, allowing for safe and comfortable passage through the city center, regardless of the season - even when the city is covered with snow for half of the year.

Sapporo also reduces its air-conditioning costs by making the most of Hokkaido’s climate. For example, ‘snow and ice AC’ uses snow stored from the winter to keep Sapporo residents cool in the summer.

Furthermore, the area in front of Sapporo Station is undergoing a major redevelopment, in conjunction with the extension of the Hokkaido Shinkansen to Sapporo.

Consumer Prices

Consumer Prices

Based on a national average of 100

Source: 2023 Retail Price Survey, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Average Asking Rent

Average Asking Rent

For medium-sized buildings with a floor space between 165m²-330m² . In USD.

Source: Office rent data 2024, Sanko Estate Co., Ltd.

Average Annual Salary

Average Annual Salary

Source: 2021 Basic Survey on Wage Structure

Minimum Hourly Wage

Minimum Hourly Wage

Source: 2023 Regional Minimum Wage Revisions

Human Capital

Sapporo’s workforce has a competitive edge

Sapporo is home to leading universities and vocational schools that encourage problem-solving and creativeness together, creating a highly-skilled workforce. Whether you are looking for IT, engineering or digital content, Sapporo has the largest talent pool in Hokkaido. Another characteristic of Sapporo's local talent is their strong desire to work locally. The talent keeps coming, thanks to our exceptional and affordable quality of life.

Sapporo at a Glance


Source: Sapporo City Official Website


Source: Sapporo City Community Development Policy Bureau, 2020 National Census, Summary of Basic Data on Employment Status, etc.

Average annual
3,353,746 JPY

Source: Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications


Source: Hokkaido Labor Force Survey 2023 2nd Quarter Average

University Overview
for Hokkaido

University in Hokkaido Leading in STEM Subjects



(17 in Sapporo)


Junior colleges

(7 in Sapporo)


Technical colleges


Universities leading in STEM subjects

Source: 2022 list of Schools in Hokkaido, Hokkaido Board of Education