Soft Landing Subsidy


People who have been issued a status of residence for Designated Activities (Startup Preparation Activities) under Hokkaido’s Startup Visa System (Entrepreneurial Incentives for Foreigners) will be partially reimbursed for expenses incurred when entering Japan to start a business.

Who can apply?

Individuals of foreign nationality who, at the time of application for designation of subsidy, have received a certificate of confirmation issued by Hokkaido for the Startup Visa System, and who primarily meet the following conditions.

  • The applicant must have a business plan that identifies their business as a startup.
  • The company must be registered as a corporation with its head office located in Sapporo City by March 31st of the year following the date of confirmation of the subsidy.
  • The applicant must reside in Sapporo City.

How much could I be

Up to 300,000 JPY (approx. 2k USD)
(Based on an exchange rate of 1 USD = 154 JPY)

How do I apply?

Please use Online Application System:
Simplified Application Reception (

When do I apply?

You must apply as soon as you receive your letter of evidence from the Hokkaido government, as this will allow you to apply for your Certificate of Eligibility (CoE). Please note that the Soft Landing Subsidy will not cover any expenses spent before approval of your application.

What do I need to prepare?

  • Startup Visa Application
  • Business Plan
  • Financial forecasts for the following three years
  • CV or Resume
  • A copy of your passport
  • Letter of Evidence from the Hokkaido government

What you can do
cannot do

You can:

  • Use the subsidy for airfare: Cost of travel from your country of residence to New Chitose Airport for your first entry into Japan after the Confirmation Certificate for the Startup Visa Program has been issued.
  • Use the subsidy for temporary accommodation: Accommodation expenses for where you will stay until you find a place of residence in Japan.
  • Use the subsidy for your lease contract: Various expenses related to the lease contract of your place of residence and other essential contractual expenses incurred at the time of the lease contract.
  • Use the subsidy for transportation of supplies: Transportation costs for residence and business supplies. This applies only to supplies required for residence or business implementation.
  • Use the subsidy for up to three months’ rent.

Please find further details on the Startup Hokkaido website.