Subsidy for IT, Digital Content and Biotechnology companies setting up in Sapporo


A subsidy available for companies that newly establish or expand businesses to Sapporo that conduct research, development, or production of products utilizing information and communication technology, digital technology, or biotechnology, or companies that design, research, or develop semiconductors and related electronic components.

Who can apply?

  • IT or Digital Content companies: companies involved in software development, information system development, embedded software creation, game software creation, web content creation or digital content creation.
  • Semiconductor-related companies: companies involved in the design, research, and development of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and other electronic components.
  • Biotechnology companies:
    • Companies involved in the development of functional foods and cosmetics using agricultural resources, marine resources or microorganisms
    • Companies involved in the development of biopharmaceuticals and medical materials, the research and development of medical diagnostic technologies, the development of research reagents, or contract testing for safety and pharmacology
    • Research and development and analysis services for genes and proteins

How much could I be

  • Companies newly setting up in Sapporo could receive rent subsidies of up to 100 million JPY (approx. 650k USD)
  • Companies expanding further to Sapporo could receive rent subsidies of up to 24 million JPY (approx. 156k USD)

(Based on an exchange rate of 1 USD = 154 JPY)

How do I apply?

The application process is as follows:

Preliminary consultation. Subsidy application. Submission of project status report

When do I apply?

You must apply within 30 days from the date of signing the office lease contract.
Time required from application to approval is approximately three weeks.

What do I need to prepare?

  • Subsidy Eligibility Application Form
  • Supplementary business information documents
  • Company profile documents
  • Financial documents from the past two years
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Certified copy of corporate registration
  • List of shareholders
  • Lease agreement for the business location
  • Agreement regarding disclosure of information

What you can do
and cannot do

You can:

  • Use the subsidy for office rent for up to two years
  • Easily calculate the amount you are eligible for
  • Receive additional support if you carry out the following research/development at your setup location:
    • Research and development related to AI, robotic, or automated driving control
    • Research and development or creation of products utilizing blockchain or biotechnology
    • Research and development or design of semiconductors and related electronic components or equipment.

You cannot:

  • Cease operations within six years of setting up business in Sapporo.
  • Employ fewer than the required number of staff exclusively engaged in the business.