Subsidy for Setting Up Back Offices in Sapporo


Subsidy available for companies building new or additional back offices in Sapporo City.

Who can apply?

Companies setting up back offices that perform the internal administrative work for their company, etc. that provide the bulk of business support services to their company. (This excludes call centers.)

How much could I be

Rent subsidies are available for up to 100 million JPY (Approx. 650k USD)

  • One third of annual rent:
    • For companies newly setting up in Sapporo this is limited to 35 million JPY (Approx. 227k USD) per year for two years.
    • For pre-existing companies expanding to Sapporo this is limited to 70 million JPY (Approx. 455k USD) per year for two years

(Based on an exchange rate of 1 USD = 154 JPY)

How do I apply?

The application process is as follows:

Preliminary consultation. Eligibility application. Subsidy application. Submission of project status report

When do I apply?

You must apply within 30 days from the date of signing the office lease contract. Time required from application to approval is approximately three weeks.

What do I need to prepare?

  • Eligibility Application Form
  • Documents explaining your business (e.g. presentation materials about expansion plans)
  • Company profile document
  • Financial documents for the last two years (balance sheet, profit and loss statements)
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Certified copy of corporate registration
  • List of shareholders
  • Lease agreement for planned business location
  • Agreement of disclosure of information

What you can do
and cannot do

You can:

  • Use this subsidy for up to two years of free office rent.
  • Easily calculate the amount you are eligible for.

You cannot:

  • Employ fewer than the required number of staff exclusively engaged in the business.
  • Cease business in Sapporo during the first six years of operation.